The challenge
 Tapachula - Yaviza 2.653 km.

November, 14th

Leaving Panama……..just in time before it would have been ¨Leaving Las Vegas¨ (the cult film starring Nicholas Cage.) The majority of the group left on Thursday in the afternoon,heading for Guayaquil. The remaining trio (the Equador visitors mentioned them ego'trippers, instead of eco trippers) decided togo on their ecotrip to Bocas del Toro on the isle of Colon, just off the Carribean coast of Panama.

But not before having said good bye to Okke Ornstein who showed all of us Panama City from the inside. Okke and the three ¨eco´s¨ had dinner at the Casablanca restaurant in the old city.

Friday morning they took of f with an antique two prop plane for a one hour breathtaking (definitely not caused by the beautiful scenery!!) journey. The passed 14.000 km in the Cayennes were less hazardous for the lifes of the ¨eco´s¨. From the landing strip a short taxi drive to a little carcass, they mentioned boat, which happened to be the only way of transportation to get to Punta Caracol. Amazing that our feet stayed dry. Punta Caracol is an oasis of five little houses, built on wooden pillars in the water with nothing but scenery, silence and little breeze….. If words don´t say enough, tune to the website www.puntacaracol.com After solarcharging their human batteries with feelings of sadness they had to return to soon to join the ¨city slickers¨on Sundaynight in Guayaquil, Equador.

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